Friday, April 23, 2010


When I eat something that I like, I always try to duplicate it myself. I have always loved Carr's Biscuits, and Hob Nobs those British cookies that are very wheaty and oaty and not too sweet.

Yesterday I made bannocks. I got the recipe from one of my favorite cookbooks: Marion Cunningham's The Breakfast Book. I used my food processor to grind the oats into flour and proceeded to follow the recipe using the machine for the whole recipe. I cut them with my two inch, scalloped-edged cookie cutter. They came out well and have a simple butter oat flavor. I sprinkled one with sugar, painted one with honey, one with melted bittersweet chocolate, and I had a few plain. They were all delicious and my husband loved them too. Marion suggests making them with cheddar cheese. I will have to try that--it would be like a healthy version of Cheez-its. Next time I make them I will try half wheat meal and a pinch of sugar to aim towards the Carr's Biscuits taste. I love anything that is wholesome and not too sweet, and goes well with good strong tea. Stay tuned.