Tuesday, June 21, 2011

How to Cultivate Friendly Bacteria (Yogurt)

Have ready a double boiler, whole milk, a candy thermometer (optional).

Heat milk in a double boiler to 180F or to just about boiling. Then pour the milk into a clean glass canning jar and set the jar in a cold water bath for ten minutes. When cooled to 110 degrees (or wrist temperature) it is ready to receive a teaspoon of live active plain yogurt as a "starter". Cover the jar of warm cultured milk and place it in a picnic cooler with a few bottles of hot water and a towel as added insulation and set aside for 4-6 hours.

When the yogurt has cultured it will thicken. Keep it refrigerated. You can strain yogurt through a coffee filter overnight to make yogurt cheese. You can add garlic, herbs, and spices or cinnamon, vanilla, and honey to the yogurt cheese. Save the whey for baking and cooking - it is excellent in breads and soups or steaming veggies, it's vitamin-packed.

Yogurt can be used in baking and cooking and is a remedy for many ailments. Yogurt has more vitamin A and D than the milk it was made from! Yogurt is a WORLDWIDE super food!