Sunday, September 16, 2012

Jan Brown's Buttermilk Salad Dressing

This is delicious!

When I asked Jan for her amazing salad dressing recipe I tasted at our friends wedding party she said:

I am happy to share the salad dressing directions. I seldom use recipes, so this is approximations:

1/2 cup oil (I used canola for last night's, but olive also delicious)
3 smallish cloves garlic (or 2 large ones)
fresh dill to taste (in Winter I use dry, and that is fine--- sometimes I let is sit in the oil for an hour or so)
2 cups of buttermilk
8 oz (or more, to taste) of feta cheese

It comes out creamier if one emulsifies the oil a bit before adding the other ingredients, but not necessary.
I like to make at least a few hours before serving so that the flavor can settle.
-Jan Brown