Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Forks In The Road

I was recently telling some friends that I often see forks in the road when I am out walking. I am talking about metal forks for eating! They said not spoons or knives? Just forks? I told them I've found a few spoons in my day but mostly it's forks. We tried to imagine how this comes about. Are kids eating in their yard and forgetting and leaving them? But it's 20 degrees out. Monday, when I walked down my street I saw a fork on the sidewalk in front of a row of triple-deckers. I stood there and looked and looked again but I resisted picking it up and taking it home.


Victoria Thorne said...

oh, i love this.

a fork in the road.

more than one, even!

it surely means something wonderful, i think.

Vague Moon said...

Em, It is funny what one finds on their way through life. Moncef seems to find Tupperware type stuff in his road. I Don't know why but he keeps coming home with them.