Friday, August 1, 2014

Popeye + Olive Oyl's Dream Supper

Last night we had our first supper at the newly-restored picnic table. I sauteed six mashed and chopped garlic cloves in olive oil and added freshly chopped onions when translucent I added a whole bag of fresh spinach. After everything cooked, I sprinkled roasted sunflower seeds and Cholula hot sauce on top and then I added a fist-full of green olives stuffed with pimentos. I sprinkled kosher salt and a dash of sugar. If I had wine I'd splash that on in place of the sugar. Sometimes I add raisins or sweetened dried cranberries for sweetness. We had this 'spinach pie guts' on my multigrain sourdough toast. FABULOUS!
I might have to eat the leftovers for breakfast this morning.