Saturday, June 18, 2011

10 Things You Can Reuse

Use old, worn cookie trays to line the bottom of your oven or your grille
Use an old coffee can as a charcoal starter. Cut off both ends of the can and lay it on its side in the bottom of your grill.
Put the briquettes inside the can and when they are ready, use a pair of tongs to remove the can and spread the briquettes evenly throughout the bottom of your grille
Wet a wash cloth and place it in the freezer to use as a cold compress for bruises and sore muscles
Use an ice cube tray to make juice pops instead of buying them
Buy balloons instead of cold packs with chemicals inside that may leak and cause environmental damage.
Blow up the balloon and add a little water. Freeze the balloon and use it as an ice pack
Buy and use an old-fashioned ice pack instead of the less-sturdy, 'blue' cold packs that you will have to replace (and that will leak and damage clothing, furniture and the environment)
Use old 35 mm film canisters to store quarters for tolls or to do your laundry
Use a pint or quart-sized takeout container for a child's bank. Cut a small slit in the top and watch the money add up!
Use a quart-sized plastic storage container to feed ribbon for wrapping packages.
Put the ribbon inside and cut a small hole in the top of the container.
Then pull the end of the ribbon out through the hole and feed it around your gift as you are wrapping
Instead of buying large 'under the bed' plastic boxes to store summer or winter clothes, use cardboard shipping boxes.
Mark the side of the boxes with magic markers so you will know what each box contains.

And one last item, for good measure:

Buy and use RECHARGEABLE batteries.

They are a bit more expensive to buy, but when you buy a package with a charger and use them for CD players, MP3 players, flashlights and the like, you save a lot of money in the long run.

Doesn't it seem like you are ALWAYS buying batteries? And, batteries are NOT cheap!

Do yourself a favor and switch to rechargeable batteries.