Thursday, May 2, 2013

Pain de Viande à la Dinde

The first time I went to Canada it was a day trip 20 years ago. We just drove over the border from Newport Vermont (didn't need a passport then) and stopped at a diner. We went inside and there were two guys playing checkers. There was a blackboard with the words Pain de Viande scrawled on it. I knew 'pain' was bread and 'viande' was meat. I thought for a moment, then cried out "MEATLOAF!" I was so excited. I don't think we stayed long. We took our two big dogs for a walk. We went to a supermarket and admired the local produce and the signs in French. I bought peanut butter for its French labeling and headed home.
3 oignons hachés
2 haché poivrons rouges ou rouge cubanelle poivrons (la couleur est importante)
2-3 branches de céleri hachées
1-5 gousses d'ail
Adobo assaisonnement
Worcestershire sauce
poivre noir moulu
viande de dinde hachée
flocons d'avoine
maïs surgelé
eau ou de bouillon pour humidifier

faire revenir les légumes et les combiner avec de l'avoine et de la viande, faire cuire dans un monticule sur une poêle en fonte ou un moule à pain pendant 50-60 minutes (350 F temps)

3 onions chopped
2 chopped red bell peppers or red cubanelle peppers (color is important)
2-3 stalks of celery chopped
1-5 cloves of garlic
Adobo seasoning
sauce Worcestershire
freshly ground black pepper
ground turkey meat
rolled oats
frozen corn
water or stock to moisten
poivre noir moulu

saute veggies and combine with oats and meat, bake in a mound on a cast iron skillet or loaf pan at 350 for 50-60 minutes