Sunday, November 30, 2008

Neighborhood Bread

Let's make it convenient to be healthy. Can we cook and bake for our neighborhoods? Let's make it inconvenient to be unhealthy. I'll gladly bake bread and cultivate yogurt and make vats of greens and beans and soups. As a neighborhood we could all eat for pennies a day and educate our children and neighbors on how to bake bread and grow food to feed each other and be healthy and happy. We could construct a neighborhood beehive oven. Neighborhoods could be rebuilt on wholegrain breads, homegrown salads, homemade whole wheat crust pizza, homemade peanut butter cookies, oatmeal raisin cookies, homemade noodles, and apple pie!

1 Comment

Annalea said...

I'm in process of jump-starting a community garden in my neighborhood, and finding this is really timely for me. Thanks so much for adding your voice to the growing chorus of those who care about feeding each other. It seems one of the most loving things we can do for each other . . . and a neighborhood like that could really and truly begin meaningful change.