Sunday, September 29, 2013

Apricots Grow on Trees

Today is a miracle. At 2PM taking a walk with Lily --the usual route up Rathbun to Ethel street and first left we go straight. At the house diagonally opposite lovely Sandy was FREE sign--three cases of glass canning jars with lids etc. We took them and stashed them with our friend former neighbor Philomena and her mom across the street (next to the Millerville Men's Club). We told them about the big green metal parrot yard ornament they might like. We kept walking and took Lily swimming at Harris Pond and I harvested apricots off the ground on Champlain ave. Then we came back with the car. Philomena's mom had adopted the metal parrot for her yard and the trash-pilers had put out a big black and white lidded enamel stock pot too. So we picked that up. I am ready to can-can! I need to ask my friends grandpa the apricot man if he is abandoning his harvest. The trees are dumping apricots overflowing and falling to the ground, on the verge of rotting and rolling down the hill.

Life is good.

If I had a way to keep warm I might be happy all winter. Someday we hope to put a wood stove in the back room (Bill's office) for cooking and heating.