Saturday, July 12, 2014

Craving Spinach

My new habit is buying two bags of bargain Price Rite baby spinach each week. I love spinach and I love Popeye! This morning I slept late--and got up at 5AM. I've been on the monk's schedule; falling asleep at 8PM and waking to write at 3AM.
Anyway I got up at 5 today Saturday, and at 6:30 made coffee adding a dollop of vanilla ice cream and home made cocoa sauce floating on top. By 10:30 I was hungry for a hearty cowboy breakfast.

I sauteed onions and garlic and added tons of fresh spinach and 6 eggs, soy sauce, Adobo seasoning, and Cholula Mexican hot sauce, and freshly ground black pepper. We ate at the round oak dining room table eating from my little blue Pyrex luncheonette plates with my home made circle breads toasted.

I had seltzer "Jewish champagne" for dessert.

Now I am eying Italian Spinach Pie recipes to bake tonight.
Here's a great recipe and post from the blog Amiable Life.