Friday, July 18, 2014

Lazy Lasagna

My new fad is to simmer my homemade tomato sauce with 6 of Jamie's hot Italian sausages. In the morning I layer the sauce and raw lasagna noodles in two glass Pyrex baking dishes alternating with layers of my favorite raw vegetables. I like fresh spinach, eggplant slices, (pre salted, sliced, and drained) and fresh sliced mushrooms. Layer with pepper-jack sliced cheese and bake at 350 until done. This takes about an hour or more.

My sauce is three cans of Price Rite crushed tomatoes, one small can of tomato paste, I can of black olives chopped, 4 -6 stalks of celery chopped, chopped onion if you feel like it, oregano, basil, parsley, garlic, red wine if you have it, salt and pepper as needed.

Simmer at 225 degrees in slow cooker overnight. Be sure there is ample liquid in the sauce because the lasagna noodles will make use of it.