Sunday, June 21, 2015

I Love Faith Shearin's Poems!

My Daughter Describes the Tarantula

by Faith Shearin

Her voice is as lovely and delicate as a web.
She describes how fragile they are,
how they can die from a simple fall.
Then she tells me about their burrows
which are tidy and dry and decorated
with silk. They are solitary, she tells me,
and utterly mild, and when they are
threatened they fling their hairs, trying
not to bite. She says they are most
vulnerable when they molt: unable
to eat for days while they change.
They are misunderstood, she explains,
and suddenly her description becomes
personal. She wants to keep one
as a pet, to appreciate it properly,
to build it a place where it belongs.

- Faith Shearin from Telling the Bees © Stephen F. Austin State University Press, 2015.