Friday, October 25, 2013

Making a New Language

I am energized, and renewed by going out walking each day with Lily. I am reminded of the big sad beautiful, interesting ever-changing world. A car is an exhausting energy-dissipating costly polluting machine where we travel in our own bubble. The only good part about driving is playing the radio: music and lyrics in motion. I get car-sick on the bus and home-sick for my dog whenever I must leave without her. Today I am wearing my 27 year old amber sunglasses. They make me feel beautiful. They are the right shape for my gigantic featured round face. I remember the day I got them. It was the 80's and I was at the mall. Today I have a migraine. This is mold season. I took the headache and allergy medicine. I am hoping it will work. I've dimmed the lights and pulled the curtains. I hung my laundry in the sun. Behold the clothesline and the clothespin. My two favorite inventions. I should do a clotheslines and signs photo-documentary. EA Marcoux has a great harvest-gold sign baked in the sun over the decades, the brown letters are peeling off in curls, making a new language.