Monday, January 19, 2015

Kombucha Tea: My Kind of Fun!

My sister-in-law gave me kombucha tea with a scobi and detailed instructions. Today I finally took the plunge. I have a half gallon of black tea brewing with 1/2 cup of sugar. When it cools off I will add the "mother" SCOBY and some of the liquid and wait a week for it to be ready. My kind of fun!

I tasted it and it is already sooo good. I drank two cups. My starter culture tea was nearly vinegar so this is why I got instant drink-ability when added to half gallon of sugary tea.

Daily kombucha may help asthma sufferers. It contains significant amounts of theophyline, a bronchodilator. The treatment dose of theophyline is 0.18–1.0 g daily. Just one cup of kombucha contains about 1.44 mg.