Friday, October 5, 2012

BBC Biscotti

I got up at one AM and after feeding Lily and Sammy, I went to my studio.

It was a welcome treat when the BBC came on at five AM and my husband came down for tea.

It's foggy and warm out and I am baked Biscotti all' Anici from the Preserving our Italian heritage cookbook adapted from Helen P. Mirabole's recipe.

They came out great.

I used 2 fresh local eggs from my Blackstone neighbor's chickens, 2/3 cup sugar, 1 cup of whole wheat flour, 1 tsp anise extract. Mix eggs and add sugar and anise and flour. I added a few pinches of salt. I pressed it into a greased standard loaf pan.

I baked it at preheated 375 degree F oven for 20 minutes then removed the loaf from oven, sliced the loaf into one half inch slices, placed flat slices on my baking stone (dry iron skillet works too) and bake for 10 minutes on each side, until dry, turning the oven off to use the residual heat.

They're delicious with black coffee.

I love the simplicity of these and together we've eaten nearly all of them.

They have cooled to the toughness of rock candy. Advise: Dip in hot coffee or tea to soften, or you might break a tooth!